Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas and such

What a well belated post. We put up our Christmas tree quite a while ago. Trevor loved helping decorate our tree. We would give him an ornament and he would run over and put it on. He then would come running back asking "More please?" Another ornament would be placed into his little hands and he then would go to the same branch to place yet another ornament on. He loves to make sure the tree is plugged in and will redecorate as he feels it is needed.

I love the Dicken's Festival that occurs here in St. George annually. This here my mom, aunt, and grandma came down to enjoy it with me. I found these adorable headbands. I was putting one in the other day and Trevor tried to put in the other one. The great mother that I am, put it in for him. He loved looking at himself in the mirror.

The evening after the Festival we headed over to the Tuachan Amphitheater to enjoy their live Nativity. It was such a wonderful spiritual experience. I love going out there to see the Nativity come to life.

After the Nativity we spent some time driving around looking at all the pretty lights. I remembered this cool house in St. George that has music going with their lights. We drove out to Hurricane to enjoy this. It's such a fun thing to watch. You can go here to their website to see videos and an address. My family fell in love with the light show and I can't wait to travel out there to show them to Trevor. Especially the Rudolph one. I think he would enjoy it.

Christmas time is card time. I've discovered that Costco has great cards that you can put your photo in for the best price (well, last year, I didn't check this year because their photos are really good quality, plus 1 hour photo is awesome. I just need to find my card before I go to pick them up tomorrow). If anyone would like to receive a card from the Cleveland family, give me a heads up and we'll see what we can do. Here is the picture we took this year to go on our cards.

We asked our neighbor to come take our pictures, but things kept getting delayed and such. We finally just broke down, set it up on a box, and put the timer on. It doesn't look too bad. Trevor is not smoking. It is a sucker stick. He just barely used the potty and since he LOVES suckers that his is reward for using the potty.

I'm starting to notice my belly popping out. It's hard for me to fit into my regular clothes. I bought a belly band, but that doesn't stay in place very well. So yesterday I tried to rubber band around the button trick, but the zipper didn't stay up. I just think maternity pants might be the best option. The only problem there is that some of the maternity pants are a little big. It's very frustrating to find something that will fit properly. At least I don't need to wear the shirts yet!

Yesterday we headed down to Vegas for a day trip. It was a nice day and we got a lot of our Christmas shopping done. Trevor was a trooper through it all. It was cold and rainy (but I'm not going to complain because I know others had it much worse than we did). We did end up buying Trevor some mittens because his poor fingers were freezing. I'm glad he kept them on. He liked clapping in them.

We've been to Vegas several times, but have never made it to the "Sign." We finally did. I found it quite humorous that there was a line to have your picture taken with the "Sign." But, here we go:

The Forgotten Carols are coming to St. George next week. I've always wanted to go and enjoy it. I love the story and I love the music. Here is one of my favorite songs from the beautiful story:

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