Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A new calling

I received a new calling at church. For my non-Mormon readers: a calling is basically a job in the church asked to completed by a member of the bishopric. We believe it is a calling from God to fulfill. (I hope I explained that right). Anyway, I have been the Primary pianist for about as long as we've lived in the ward. It's a calling that I have loved. I loved watching the children and their crazy antics and stories. I loved being able to hide behind the piano and just do what I love to do. I loved knowing being part of this 2 hour block of time would keep me from teaching any lessons or doing any actual preparation. I thought this calling was great!

Recently, however, I had a concern. I want to nurse my newborn son. There's no way being in a 2 hour block of time that I could complete my duties as a pianist and nurse at the same time. I brought this concern to Scott and a quick decision was made just to play it by ear and if I needed to asked to be released to be able to feed my child, that is something that I would have to do. Still I said one or two prayers about this.

With my new calling my job didn't change that much. I will now be playing the piano in Relief Society. I play at the beginning and at the end of a 1 hour block. This gives me plenty of time to nurse if the need arises. I believe that this new calling is from God. The bishopric didn't even know we were expecting. God knew that I needed a change to complete my duties as a mother and allowed this to happen through revelation to the bishop. I am so grateful being in a church where we know of modern day revelation and the power that it has in our lives.

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