Thursday, January 14, 2010

I knew I liked this day

It all started on May 4th, 2004, when I walked into Denny's to meet my blind date.  I was excited, this was my first date in a while and I had just wanted to have a good time.  Eating at Denny's we started to get to know each other and I knew that I wanted to get to know him more.  His name was Scott Cleveland and he just returned from a mission to Sacramento.  I was really enjoying spending this time with him.  When we were done eating, we headed on a drive up to the "C," which is "the make-out place" for Cedar City.  But nope, we just looked at the city and admired it's beautiful landscape.  We decided to rent a movie and head back to my place to watch it.  We rented 2 Fast 2 Furious and settled down to watch it.  Slowly, one by one, by roommates had to come check out my date.  The best part was Sarah, who walked down the stairs coughing loudly sort of warning us she was coming.  He tried to kiss me once...but he was denied.

Later that week I took off with my friend to Florida to visit our old friends there.  I missed Scott terribly, knowing that I wanted to get to know him better.  I remember one time I called him from Florida, only for him to tell me that there was a new lady in his life.  My heart dropped; I couldn't believe it.  Her name was Jessica and she was his new car.  I didn't think it was very funny.  Later he admitted that he wasn't exactly thinking when he said that.

When I returned to Cedar 3 weeks later, I was so happy to know that Scott wanted to see me again. We planned to meet and during that date we shared our first kiss. It was so nice (even the boys running around playing laser tag was fun).  It was that night that he told me he wanted to see me exclusively.  I was ecstatic.

We had a nice dating era.  He told me that he loved me, only for me to tell him I wasn't there yet.  To seeing a ring catalog and having our first real discussion of getting married.  Hunting for rings was difficult because every ring I liked, he said he couldn't afford, but I still got the one I loved the most.  We didn't tell anyone it was official, until it was.  It was about 4 months after we met that we were engaged.  4 months of engagement led to our wedding.

The wedding day was beautiful.  I was hoping for snow, since it was in the middle of January, but no snow could be found.  We got married in American Fork, Utah, and Scott was driving up from Cedar that day.  When I arrived at the temple, Scott could not be found.  I started getting scared that maybe he was backing out.  My heart was relieved when I saw him walk up with his mom.  The ceremony was beautiful, I only wish more people could have been there. 

January 14th was the day that started my entire life with the man that I love the most.  Scott, thanks for being the amazing man, husband, and father that you have been.  I look forward to having eternity with you.

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