Last Thursday started out like any normal day. I even got up and went to work. I have first period prep (which I think turned out to be a good thing). I started to feel contractions around 8 and started to time them. That is all I did for my prep. Then came 2nd period. I played like nothing was wrong. The contractions weren't that bad. I could walk and talk through them. About 1/2 way through 2nd period I knew that it was time to go. I emailed our attendance secretary and within a few minutes my boss comes running in. My kids were working on an assignment, so I grabbed my purse and left with Bob. He said he was worried he would walk in and find me on the floor. I told him they weren't that bad, but I needed to stop teaching and that I didn't think it was hospital time. Bob escorted me out to the car where Scott was waiting and we proceeded to our friends' house where they were planning on watching Trevor anyway since Scott was supposed to have court that morning. They take Trevor while we headed to the hospital. I tried to tell Scott that I didn't think the contractions were close enough together and I did not want to be sent home. He told me that I was 5 cm dilated the day before at the doctor's. They were not going to let me leave without a baby.
Sure enough, we got right into a room, we completely skipped the triage (which we did with Trevor and my water had broken with him!). I got checked in pretty quickly and breathed through the progressively worsening contractions. The nurse (Carol) checked me and I was now 6 cm. Yep, we weren't going anywhere. Carol asked if I wanted an epidural and when. I said I wanted one, but I could breathe through the contractions so I wasn't desperate for one immediately. It turns out that the anesthesiologist was walking into the room as I said this, so it turned out kind of nice. Before I could have my epidural I needed to get the IV started and going first. I was okay with this. Can I tell you how much I LOVED that epidural??? So worth the needle. With Trevor the epidural didn't get my sciatic area and I felt everything right there and I was worried about getting one if it wasn't going to work there again because I'd been having problems with my sciatic. But nope. Felt nothing. I would look at the machine and see that I was having a contraction and it was beautiful!
After 4 hours of being in the hospital I was told it was time to push. The first contraction came and I did three good pushes. At the next contraction on the first push I was being told to stop. I thought something was wrong and I look down and ask "Is that the head?" The nurse responds "Yep," picks up the phone and screams "we need a doctor now!" The doctor that came running in was our family doctor. I gave one more push and Tyler was here. Now, enter my OB. Dr. Lunt finished the delivery.
I was so happy to finally have my baby here, unfortunately, I tore through my old scar tissue from Trevor and that healing has been painful. I'm glad that I am moving around now without much pain.
It's been a week since Tyler was born and everything is going well. Tyler is a calm little guy and Trevor is a great big brother. Trevor loves to help and runs to his "baby" every time Tyler starts to cry. He really loves to give Tyler his binkie, including while nursing! Tyler is happy as long as he's full, but he only eats for 5 minutes at a time before he falls asleep and refuses to wake up. I hope he's gaining weight just fine. We'll find out next week when his 2 week well baby check is. Tyler also sleeps in his bassinet (which Trevor didn't do until about 6 weeks). Trevor also has not reverted on his potty training. We try to praise him each and every time he uses the potty. It's been 2 weeks since any sort of accident (minus night-time). We are so proud of Trevor. We are also trying very hard to let Trevor know he's still loved and give him lots of love and attention. We even bought him a little present the day we brought Tyler home.
You look so cute sarah! way to go and I am glad you had your baby!
He is so cute Sarah. You look really good. Congrats!
Sorry Sarah that was suppose to be my comment my husband forgot to log out of his blog and I thought I was logged into mine I thought I would let you know.
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