Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Found My Family!

Last night I watched a new show called "Find My Family." The first story was about a lady who wanted nothing more than to meet her brother. She discovered when she was adopted as a baby, her birth parents, who were married had a 16 month old son. She dreamed of meeting this brother her whole life. Her brother, David, was in the military, which made this story even more personal to me. She met her brother and I couldn't help crying.

I grew up knowing that I had another brother out there in the world. My dad had been married before my mom and had a son, Adam, but every attempt at contact growing up was never responded to. We would send Christmas cards and letters, but never heard anything back. I continued to grow up knowing I had a brother and a resolve that he wanted nothing to do with us. In the fall of 2004 I got a phone call. "Sarah, is your dad Spencer?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"This is your brother, Adam."
My heart dropped and I didn't know what to do. He had just been relocated from the East coast to California and was driving through Cedar and for the first time in our lives we were in the same city. He asked if I wanted to meet. Shakily, I said yes. I ran and told my roommates (who had never heard of Adam before) and there were scared. I promised I would be careful, and would keep my cell phone near me. I called Scott and told him where I was going. I drove to the public library where I met my brother for the first time.

He was married with their first child on the way. We went to Denny's and talked about our lives. I found out he was serving in the Navy and became so proud of him. I could see resemblance of my dad in him.

We have been in contact ever since. In that time I have gotten married and had Trevor. They have two beautiful children. The only sad part to this story is they are now living in Maine...Love ya big bro!

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