Friday, November 27, 2009

Sarah's Pet Peeves 101

One of my biggest pet peeves is treating your animals like your children (sorry if you're reading this and you treat your animals this way, I HATE IT!). Animals are pets, not people. I know people out there that can't have kids and they call their pets their kids...yep still think it's gross! I hate hearing people talk to their animals and refer to themselves and "mommy" and "daddy." Come on people don't you have better things to do than that! I know you love your pets, heck I love my cat. However, my cat does not need to wear Halloween costumes or clothes of any kind. In my shopping adventures today I saw this:

And I about had a heart attack! The sad thing is I know people are going to buy this blasted stupid invention! Hello! Your pets are fully capable of keeping themselves warm! It's what nature does.

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