Saturday, January 16, 2010

Give a Day Get a Disney Day

As many of you have seen, Disney is doing this Give a Day, Get a Disney Day program.  Trevor LOVES his Disney.  He loves Mickey and friends, Pooh and friends, Finding Nemo, and his most recent favorite is Monsters Inc.  He watches "Monsters" all the time.  He even runs around the house and jumps out and scares you by putting his hands up and growling (similar to what Boo does).  We have decided to take full advantage of getting a free day.  Right now the plan is to go in August.  It will be after the baby is born, but after he is past the newborn stage, he'll be a couple of months old, but before Trevor reaches his 3rd birthday and he'll still be free.  So technically for 1 day, we're getting to play at Disney completely free.  But the plan is to spend two days in the park: 1 day at Disneyland and 1 day at California Adventure.

For our service project, we chose to make blankets for the Linus Project (don't you love that name).  These blankets go to help kids locally that are going through some hard times.  I wanted to do this project, because of friends we know whose little one is dealing with chemo.  So, this project seemed close to home for us.  We took pictures to document our time spent as a family on this project. Get ready for picture overload!:

Here I am cutting off the selvage.  This was our first blanket and we had no idea what we were doing.  We were very frustrated at the situation and this blanket took us 2 days to complete because we had to walk away.  Don't you love my pregnant belly?  My regular shirt, kept creeping up. 

Scott cutting his selvage

This was after our break.  Here's most of the fringes before they were tied.

Getting ready to cut the fringes in 1 inch increments.

Okay, I love this one.  Even Trevor helped!  He grabbed some tape and put it on.  He even added his new loved phrase of "perfect" when he was done. He was so proud that he got to help.  How could I not take a picture of this?

Here we are on blanket 2.  We had a few days rest and were ready to tackle another blanket.  This one went by much faster than the other because we knew what we were doing and had developed a groove.

Trevor playing with the cut off selvage.

Here I am tying the fringes. 

One big happy family.  Trevor was fussy and we had to bribe him by letting him watch Monsters.  So no, he's not smiling at the camera.  He's laughing at Phlegm cause he just fell down on some Jacks.

We are so excited to be able to go to Disney this way.  August seems so far away, but I'm sure it will be here before we know it.  Anyone who wants to go with us is more than welcome, we would love to have you come.  Just let us know!

1 comment:

Tara Mogle said...

You guys rock! That is such a great service project and an awesome way to go to Disneyland.

Have August :)