Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Last night my neighbor and I volunteered at Tuachan during the show "Cats" and because we were volunteers, we got to see the show for FREE!  I had never seen "Cats" and honestly had no idea what it was about.  But I loved it!  I loved the dancing, I loved the story told through the songs, and I loved "Memory."  I've always loved the song but never quite knew the meaning.  The person playing Grizabella did a fantastic job and bringing the song into a more beautiful life for me.  Her voice was AMAZING.  I couldn't believe it.  Her emotion in the song was great.  Of course we took pictures (on a cell phone).  When I get them from my neighbor, I'll post them here.  If you have a chance this show is a must see!  Now I need to see Tarzan!

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