Sunday, July 25, 2010

Good Reads

I was brought to this site by a friend:  I kept meaning to check it out, but never have, until yesterday. It's so great.  It's like an online book group!  How cool is that.  You can be friends with anyone you want (maybe this is not good for me considering I'm addicted to social networking sites).  You can look at your friends' shelves and see what they have read and their ratings on the books.  I've been working on putting up the books that I've read.  I could be doing this for years!  Many of which I can't even remember if I liked.  There are so many good books out there.  It's so nice to be able to look at what my friends have read and see their recommendations.

What brought me to actually signing up yesterday was my purchase of this.  I was saving money to have my piano moved, when it got moved for me, I took that money and bought the wonderful Nook.  So far I love it.  It's so great to have a book that's not bulky and uncomfortable.  You don't have to worry about keeping the book open etc.  There are many books that are not available e-style.  But that's okay.  There's a lot that are.  Books are generally cheaper...generally.  I really debated between the Nook and the Kindle.  Each had their pros and cons.  Why the Nook won: I could get it the day of at my local Barnes and Noble instead of waiting for shipping AND for any of my friends that have the Nook, there are many books that we can loan to each other!  How cool is that.  Okay, right now not so cool considering I don't know anyone that owns a Nook.  But someday I will and this will be a cool addition.  One bad thing about having an e-book reader: I miss the smell of a fresh new book :(.  I guess I will just have to go to Barnes and Noble to get smelling fixes.

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