Sunday, April 11, 2010

I've got 2 months of this!

Scott is now working days on Sundays, which means church by myself.  After today, I don't think I can do it!  Trevor has these Sesame Street number cards and he loves to count using them.  So we take them to church, but today, he decided he needed to throw them. And of course they were hitting people.  So I take them away and he freaks.  I was so lucky that the young man next to thought it was funny and even helped me pick them up when Trevor wouldn't.  They were in the aisles, behind us, in front of us.  I was on the verge of tears so I didn't even thank the young man next to me because I knew I would start bawling (thank you pregnancy hormones).  Once I get them all picked up, Trevor decides to take his pants off.  I keep trying to put them back on.  I had enough when he took off he shoe and threw that.  I just grabbed everything, picked up Trevor and left.  I was bawling before I was out the door!  Trevor asked all the way to the car "why you crying mom?"  I told him "because you wouldn't keep your pants on."  I put Trevor in his seat (without pants) and drove home.  This is 10 minutes before the end of Sacrament.  10 Minutes!  I get home and Trevor tells me "I need a nap."  I think good, put him in his bed, tuck him in and he fell right to sleep.  Why couldn't he just tell me that instead of throwing a fit!  I call Scott telling him about my ordeal.

And then they will be 2...

1 comment:

Felder Funnies said...

Been there, done that, and let me say... it does get better. I am still in mommyland of sacrament meeting fits but it is a lot better!! I could tell you were having a hard time and was going to come and make sure you were ok after, but you were long gone!! Love ya!