Saturday, April 3, 2010

You know you're a good parent when...

Yesterday I was cleaning up Trevor's room.  He grabbed his Elmo Live and informed me that he needed a nap (he does this often so I wasn't surprised).  But before he tucked Elmo into his bed Trevor said "Elmo needs to pray."  He knelt down in from of his bed grabbed Elmo's  hands and folded them together and said "Heavenly Father (insert words I didn't understand) Jesus Christ, Amen."  Trevor proceeded to tuck Elmo into bed and kiss him goodnight.  I told Scott about Elmo's prayer and he said "Wow! You know you're teaching your kid good habits when he has his stuffed animals pray before nap!"

1 comment:

The Hughes' said...

Aw! So cute! You are truly teaching correct principles!!