I've known that I would have to deal with this and I do. I usually can just ignore it. Until I read this on a friend's facebook status comment:
"I don't need or want police "protection". Traffic cops are the worst. Always some bogus reason to pump city or county revenues. They need to get real jobs or at least do something worth while for the "public interest"."
"pump city or county revenues"? BS! Scott has worked for the police department for 3 years and have not had one cent in a raise and his insurance premiums keep going up because of other city workers that just sit on their butts! And because of this he has actually taken pay cut! What's a real job? Should he go work at a fast food restaurant and call that a real job because he's helping society become fat? (okay that one was a little too far).
I've learned that they people who have a beef with police are those that have done something for police action to be taken against them. I guess it's too hard for people to break the rules and think they can get away with it and when they don't, they need to blame someone instead of taking responsibility for their own actions. Welcome to the real life.
Thanks. Vent over.
Venting just makes you feel so much better huh?? Glad you and your panda were reunited and that your hubby lets him in the bed with you!! I don't think my hubby would be so understanding!! Oh and also... your baby is simply adorable!
Couldn't have been said better!
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